
Click on your name to open the dropdown menu, which contains the settings page.

After clicking on the “Settings” link, you’ll be directed to the settings page. Here, click on the “Sender ID” tab.

Then you’ll see the default Sender ID you received when you registered on the platform.

Sender ID

Click on the “Request Sender ID” button to open the form for requesting a Sender ID.

Then you’ll get the form. Download the template we’ve provided by clicking on the “Download” text. Update the relevant fields of that document, sign it (add a seal if you can), and save it as a PDF. Finally, upload it to the “Letter” field of this form.

Fill out the other fields as well. Make sure to double-check your desired Sender ID for correctness, including spelling. It’s case-sensitive and should only contain 11 characters.

Check the usage type of the Sender ID and select whether you are using it for transactional or promotional SMS.

Upload your domain purchase invoice if your Sender ID contains a domain name; otherwise, you can skip the domain registration field.

If your business is registered, please upload the business registration (BR) document.

By providing these necessary documents, your Sender ID approval process will be sped up.

Transactional SMSes are automated messages containing important, time-sensitive information about an account or a transaction.

Promotional SMSes are marketing and advertising messages.

Sender ID approval process could take up to two business days.